A Pilgrim’s Story : Jackson and Ellie Part I

The Journey to Uluru is one that begins even before the participants reach the big red rock or step onto the coach. It begins when they make the decision to go. For some, this is a tough and overwhelming decision. It wasn’t an easy decision for Jackson to go on the...

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Wombat Wardrobe is moving on August 18th and becoming Fusion Op Shop

By now you may be aware that Fusion Canberra is moving our Wombat Wardrobe second hand shop which is currently at the Carleton St Shops in Kambah, to Kambah Village which is on the corner of Drakeford Drive and Marconi Crescent in Kambah. It is easy to find if you...

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Help needed for our move and clean-up

We are having a working bee to pack up Wombat Wardrobe, and then to move, and to clean the old shop. We are holding a Monster Garage Sale on Saturday 16th August, 9am-12noon, at our hub behind the Carleton St Shops. We could do with some help in these areas:...

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A Volunteer’s Story: Hassa

Hassa joined Fusion Canberra when he was 12 years old. Now, three years later, he has volunteered in many areas and learnt a lot. He spent most of his time volunteering in the Aquaponics section of Fusion Canberra because he was interested in gardening and wanted to...

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A Pilgrim’s Story Part II “James”

You might remember James from last year’s trip. He is the rapper who performed at the festival at the Uluru Resort where they stayed last year. He is featured in an earlier post :  A Pilgrims Story James Part I.  On this year's trip in April, James shared his skills...

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Wombat Wardrobe continues to meet the needs of the community

On any given day, when you visit Wombat Wardrobe, there will be a steady stream of customers coming in and out of the store. In fact, you could say that it was the most well patronised store in the Carleton Shops in Kambah as customers drop in to see if they can get a...

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Louise shares her secret recipe for egg, bacon and tomato pie

A big shout out THANK YOU to Louise for coming to the Hospitality section of the Community Education Program and showing us how to make your egg, bacon and tomato pie. It was yum-delicious! Louise is part of the Fusion Canberra team serving in Wombat Wardrobe but she...

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Community Education Program runs concurrently with “Faces of Fusion” campaign for the first time

Our Community Education Program for local high school aged youth has just finished for this term and five  young people (from Namadgi School,  Melrose High and home school) graduated. We have been really fortunate this term to have the first ever "Faces of  Fusion"...

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Youth take to the catwalk in “Fashion for Fusion”

Our first ever “Faces of Fusion” Fashion Show was an enjoyable and well attended family event. After 5 weeks of fund-raising and braving the cold weather and rain, the Fashion Show was highly anticipated by all. Seven very nervous youth took to the catwalk and...

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