On Saturday 15th August, young people and leaders from Riverina, Orange and Canberra will converge on Selwyn Snowfields for a day of awesome fun.There will be tobbogoning, snow ball fights, snowman making competitions and of course making new friends.The cost is $60 per person.Pick up and drop off is from Eddison Park, Woden (opposite Canberra College on Launceston Street).Youth adventure daytrips are for high school aged youth and are drug and alcohol free events.All leaders are background checked and required to adhere to Fusion’s Code of Conduct and our Safe Organisations policies and procedures.Please call Gillian for more information and to book your seat. A permission form with medical information must be filled in as part of the registration process.
“Frozen” Youth Daytrip to Selwyn Snowfields
by fusioncanberra | Aug 4, 2015 | Breakout Daytrips, Business partnerships, Church Partnerships, Community Building, Community Development, Mentoring, Schools Work, Uncategorized, Youth Mentoring, Youthwork |