Pilgrimage to Uluru Background

Now in it’s 17th year, Fusion’s annual pilgrimage to Uluru is an opportunity for young people to take part in a growing movement of people who want to build a more harmonious Australia between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. A two week camping trip, the journey to the heart includes stopping at Aboriginal communities along the way where we listen to the local history and stories and slowly begin to gain a deeper appreciation for our Aboriginal brothers and sisters way of life. A profound time for all those who take part – we are always looking for leaders to care for young people along the way – as well as young people themselves who want to really learn more about our vast country and understand more of the past – the good and the bad – so we can walk together into a better tomorrow.

For latest news on the pilgrims

Once the trip has started, if you would like to know how they are going, please monitor: https://www.facebook.com/ulurupilgrimage/

Emily’s Story (from the 2013 trip)


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