Since Fusion began in Sydney in the early 1960’s training has been at the heart of all we do, whether developing culturally relevant training programs for staff working at the “coal face” or whether it is helping the young people we are working with see their behaviour and understand its impact, training permeates every corner of our life together.

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101 is where it starts. It is a course designed to help people understand the foundational understandings of how and why Fusion operates the way we do, but it also helps to apply the Christian faith in the real world. It is particularly designed for new young Christians, or those who’ve just joined Fusion. LEARN MORE >


201 is the professional development stream of Fusion’s training in Australia. It includes several specific courses of which the Families Course, Youth Mental Health First Aid, First Aid, and Festival Training are some which are detailed below. We also run weekly 1.5 hour long webinars as part of the 201 stream on leadership, fundraising, and who Fusion is. LEARN MORE >


Caring for kids can be a tough ‘gig’ so we can all do with the support of knowing ‘we’re not the only ones’, and some reminders of what is really important! Fusion Australia has developed and refined the Families Course over many years. It’s a course for anyone who cares for or works with children. There is always lots of useful information, time for discussion and to get to know others in (or who have been in) similar situations. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST >


Created through research and constantly updated, this course written by Mental Health First Aid Australia ( is becoming the industry standard to equip people to respond in helpful ways to those suffering mental health conditions. Whilst people often know a lot about common physical health problems, ignorance of mental health is prevalent. Regular first aid courses are widespread, however most of these courses do not address helping with mental health problems. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training aims to fill this gap.


Fusion runs Apply First Aid courses accredited through St Johns for their volunteers around the world. We also offer them to anyone else who needs to get these important skills under their belt or refresh them.


How do Fusion’s Open Crowd Festivals work and why can they be so powerful in rebuilding a sense of community? What are the practical skills needed to make them effective? These topics are covered and more in our custom designed festival training days or workshops.


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