It is with great sadness that we say “Farewell” to Mark Holberton who is leaving us to go to Blackstone, Western Australia.

Mark is our Schools Worker and for the last 2 years has been very actively making people aware of Fusion’s Pilgrimage to Uluru, fundraising with youth and being a leader on the trip to Uluru.

Whilst there as leaders this year, Mark and his wife Emma felt inspired to work with the Indigenous Community in that area and believed very strongly that it was where God wanted them to be.

So when Emma heard from a lady at a women’s conference that the position of Youth, Sport and Recreation Officer was becoming vacant at Blackstone, they jumped at the chance. Blackstone is only around 600 km from Uluru which is not very far when we are talking about the outback.

“It is something that I have always wanted to do” Mark said.

It is a very exciting new beginning for Mark and Emma and we wish them well as they go forward to a future that is part of God’s plan.

For more information about Blackstone where Mark is going  :

It has been a great pleasure to work with Mark. I did Breakfast Club, the Community Education Program for school aged youth and promoted the Sleep In Your Car event with Mark.

The whole team at Fusion Canberra will really miss him, and so will the students at UC High, Melrose High and the kids who go regularly to our Breakout Youth Adventure Daytrips because he has been a pivotal part of their lives for the last 3 years.

If you would like to read more about Mark’s work at Fusion Canberra, please click here.

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