Your donation changes lives!

Fusion Canberra is a youth and community development and support organisation.  Fusion runs a number of programs that help strengthen our youth and their communities so that they can have a bright future.  We also believe that investing in young people is critical to ensuring we have a healthy and vibrant community in the future.

Fusion runs many innovative programs…

One such program is Community Education Program.  This involves high school students engaging in real life work environments, learning life skills, work readiness skills and social and communication skills. Volunteer adult mentors are trained to come alongside and support the youth. This program reduces bullying, build resilience and hope for the future.

Your Gift will help these young people and makes a REAL difference!

Donate nowTo pledge your donation via direct deposit, cash, cheque or EFTPOS use the button below which will take you to a form to complete your details.However, our preference is for you to donate via credit card via the button above as this costs us less in time to process the donation. It is almost a fully automatic system. The Offline button below means more manual processing and therefore costs us more.. which in turn means less resources going into our services for youth and their communities.Thanks for your consideration!Pledge a donation


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