While Fusion began its work among youth, the importance of a healthy and caring community to nurture each new generation has led us into extensive community work in Australia and beyond. Fusion’s services focus on community building and helping people find a sense of belonging and purpose.


Families are under fire. They are getting more fragmented and as a result often family members don’t know where to go for help and support. Fusion run a range of courses and activities to support parents and children. In particular we running Fusion’s Families Course in Canberra. LEARN MORE >


Fusion operates two op shops in Canberra. One at Kambah Village and one at Kippax Fair Shopping Centre in Holt (West Belconnen). These shops are social enterprises of Fusion and primarily exist as a point of community connection for people. Our slogan “We’re for people, not for profit” says it all. Any funds raised from these enterprises are invested into our other youth and community work. Both stores are staffed completely by volunteers. LEARN MORE >


Fusion’s Open Crowd Festivals were developed in Australia over 30 years as a tool for community building and increasing the social capital in communities. They have taken off around the world as well. In Canberra the Fusion team assist churches and community groups to put on these events through training, mentoring and support. GET INVOLVED >


For many years Fusion in Canberra has used the areas of horticulture, agriculture and even exciting food production technologies such as aquaponics to train refugees, youth, the unemployed, disabled and mentally handicapped. Equipping them with life skills and giving them the therapeutic satisfaction of growing their own food. This work has shifted more recently into advocacy with government agencies and partnering with other sustainability focused groups to get food security on the agenda. FIND OUT MORE >


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