Register now for a Fusion Volunteer Information Meeting

Register now for a Fusion Volunteer Information Meeting

Fusion Canberra is holding two Volunteer Information Meetings at our Kambah hub on Thursday 19th December. One will be at 4-5pm the other at 7.30-8.30pm. These meetings are for those who have recently contacted Fusion Canberra about volunteering to come and hear more...
A Pilgrim’s Story “Liz”

A Pilgrim’s Story “Liz”

The journey doesn’t end when the bus drops you home. In fact, it begins before you step on the bus, and may never end even after you step off the bus. “Liz” was an example of this occurring this year. Liz’s journey with Fusion began through our...
Fantastic Local Food Mini Expo Day

Fantastic Local Food Mini Expo Day

Last Saturday 16th November,  hundreds of people descended on the Fusion Canberra youth and community hub in Kambah. The event was a chance for Fusion Canberra to showcase who they are and what they do as well as the final event for the year in the Our Hungry...
Media Release: Fresher, Healthier, and Cheaper Foods for Canberra

Media Release: Fresher, Healthier, and Cheaper Foods for Canberra

SEE Change and FUSION Media Release  Date  29th October 2013 Fresher, Healthier, and Cheaper Foods for Canberra Fusion Canberra will host a Local Food Security Expo on the 16th of November at their premises at the Carleton Street Shops, Kambah, to demonstrate...
Can you spare some time to help us spring clean?

Can you spare some time to help us spring clean?

On Saturday 16th Nov, 11-3pm, we will be opening up our Kambah youth and community hub behind the Carleton St Shops to the public for a Local Food Mini Expo Day. This is the final event for 2013 in the Our Hungry Future campaign, a joint initiative of Fusion Canberra...