In a first ever partnership with a private school, Fusion Canberra this week developed plans to partner with Canberra Grammar School.

The school’s Year 10 Film Class of 10 budding film makers heard about Fusion’s work on Thursday morning, and our dream to create communities where no-one gets left behind.

In response, half a dozen class members put their hand up to help share the Fusion story and our impact using film as the medium.

A small team will take part in Melrose High School’s Breakfast Club on Tuesday morning, taking footage and orientating to the program.

Another small team will work on communicating the heart of our Hand to Hand social enterprise over the school holidays.

“It was so inspiring to see these year 10 students so proactive and serious about using film to communicate. I walked out of the class room thinking what a privilege it will be to work alongside them to share our story”, said CEO of Fusion Canberra, Brenton Reimann.

Some of the students will be using the hours they give to this project for their Community Service hours. Others will be doing it because they too want to help create places where no-one gets left behind.


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