On Fridays, Mark runs a bike repair workshop where he and students at UC High, Kaleen repair bikes to donate to refugee families.

DRUMBEAT at Melrose High 2013 on Vimeo - Google Chrome 21092014 15204 PM

Drumbeat Group

He leads a “DRUMBEAT group” similar to the one at Melrose High. This program developed by Holyoak is a hands-on approach to re-engage kids who have problems at school, and in the process, help them to develop self-confidence, social skills, cope with hard times, develop resilience, express emotions, see the world from a perspective outside of themselves and work as a team.

Every 2-3 months on a Saturday, Mark gets up really early to lead a Breakout Youth Adventure Daytrip.  For the kids, the day usually starts early in the morning and sometimes ends late in the evening.


Mark dressed up as Wally in the “Where’s Wally” scavenger hunt which was part of a Breakout Youth Adventure Daytrip

They go on day trips to the snow every winter, have scavenger hunts, go to skate parks, to the beach in summer, bounce at the indoor trampoline arena, get involved in laser tag, nerf guns etc.

Mark is currently mentoring a team of  both leaders and peer leaders to organise and run Breakouts without him.

Delivering phone books

Delivering phone books to raise funds for Uluru

In the first part of the year, on Saturdays, he is actively helping kids raise funds so that they can go to Uluru.

It is a busy time as Mark, the youth and other Fusion Canberra team members deliver telephone books, organise car washes, sell chocolates, sell entertainment books and advertise and put the word out there that there are kids wanting to go to Uluru.


Mark and his wife Emma who also works with youth (both are in the middle) were leaders on the Pilgrimage to Uluru 2014.

As well as helping with the fund-raising,  Mark and his wife Emma (who also works with youth) went to Uluru this year as leaders.  Like most other leaders who went, they were exhausted when they got back.

We are looking for people to join the team to help more teenagers experience this life changing journey.

If you would like to help us continue the position of Schools Worker (which includes the dual roles of  School Chaplain and Student Welfare Worker) next year, please consider seriously giving us a donation or becoming a regular donor.


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